Adding user roles

Avorra lets you add specific roles for each user. Each role comes with a set of features for users to access. The following user roles are available:

Option Description
User Users with this role will have limited access to Avorra features such DashboardContacts, and Settings page.
Manager Users with this role will have access to DashboardContactsSettings, and Users page. However, users will not be able to perform any administrative tasks, manage numbers, or delete any users.
Admin Users with this role will have complete access to all the features on Avorra. You can perform administrative tasks, setting up numbers, and also manage organization details.

Note: Only users with “Admin” or “Manager” role can edit other user’s information. 

To add user roles, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Accessing the Users tab

After logging on to Avorra, the tab can be accessed using the download option.


Step 2 – Selecting the user

From the list of users, click on the blobid156 option for the user you want to edit.


Step 3 – Adding user roles

On the edit user page, select the user role from the drop-down menu.


Click blobid109

The user details will be updated with new role.